Our stories
We, the DGE Group as a whole, employ more than 160 people in all of the offices across the 8 countries we operate in. Whilst we would be proud to introduce every single one of them, some choices have to be made in the interest of conciseness.
Below, you’ll find some of our people in different countries talking about their background, job, and their relationship with DGE.
We hope you’re as pleased to meet them as we first were!

Chief Consultant in DGE Denmark; M.Sc. in Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science
I have 30 years of extensive experience within a wide range of environment related tasks and project types and has, thus, solid experience with project management and quality control and are leading several larger complex projects for national and international clients (among else international tech-companies) covering a wide range of disciplines from polluted soil and groundwater (Phase I, II & III) to EHS Due Diligences, Compliance Audits, Chemical risk assessments, identification of confined spaces etc.
I thrive in a close dialogue with the customer to find the optimal solution for any given problem.
Based on the experienced and extensive knowledge within DGE Denmark and within the various DGE Group companies in general, all tasks can be dealt with in a highly professional manner regardless of the geographical location. This is extremely important when dealing with complex projects for demanding costumers.
In DGE we work under a high degree of “freedom under responsibility”. This is especially important when carrying out tasks that involve distance management that for my part has been a frequent requirement during the years.
Senior Project Manager, Chief Science Officer of Soil and Groundwater (Regions) in DGE Denmark;
M.Sc. in Physical Geography
I have 25 years of extensive experience with pollution studies from planning, mapping, survey techniques, evaluation of investigations and remediation, fieldwork, risk assessment, permits and reporting within pollution in soil and groundwater.
In DGE I especially value the principle of “freedom under responsibility” – it’s a big part of our work culture. There is a lot of flexibility and I can plan my own time, which is good for my work/life balance. In addition, there is great professional breadth in my job, which gives me the opportunity to work within many different areas. I really appreciate the large variation and wide range of tasks I get to perform.
Sustainability Specialist in DGE Sweden;
M.Sc. in Engineering
I am a committed and interdisciplinary person, passionate about sustainable development and I spend my everyday life working in projects regarding Agenda 2030, sustainability reporting, climate strategy, life cycle analysis, circular economy, sustainable agriculture, packaging and transportation etc. My focus is always on not complicating things, but achieving real benefits both for my customer and our common future!
During my time as a consultant at DGE (since 2010), I have also gained many years of experience working with general environmental issues, including in a long-term assignment as a hired environmental specialist.
Consultant in DGE Sweden;
M.Sc. in Environmental Science
For the past fifteen years I have worked, among other things, with building and developing of management systems, performing internal audits and educating internal auditors in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. I have also reviewed the adaptation and compliance of environmental and work environment legislation to all types of companies.
Here at DGE, I work primarily with marketing, EHS auditing, legislation, chemical advisory and management systems.
Founder and Senior Expert in Hendrikson;
Diploma in Chemistry, M.Sc. in Environmental Management
I have 25-30 years of experience in various topics of industrial environmental management and with variety of industries. The tasks have included permitting, cleaner production, chemical safety and risk assessment, substitution of hazardous chemicals, environmental assessment (both EIA and SEA), auditing etc. Within last 10-15 years I have participated in cooperation projects consulting governments on industrial emissions & best available techniques, and chemical safety. As a WHO expert I have been lead auditor in pre-qualification audits of national medicines quality control in Asia and Africa.
It’s important when my work makes a difference in the quality of the environment and promotes sustainable development. Working with DGE Group has added new aspects and makes that possible.
Environmental Specialist in DGE Lithuania;
M.Sc. in Engineering
Acoustic, air and odor pollution are important, ever-increasing forms of environmental pollution. As road and rail traffic flows intensify and industry develops, so do contaminated areas. In order to reduce, control and ensure air, odor and noise pollution in the environment, I have been working with dispersion modeling programs for 5 years, which allows us to assess the current situation and improve it by protecting each of us. I prepare noise, air and odor pollution assessment reports, propose and analyze measures to reduce pollution. When communicating with customers, I always try to listen to their needs, but also to offer more sustainable solutions that will gradually contribute to the improvement of the general state of environmental pollution.
I have been working at DGE Lithuania since 2015. In this company, I grew up as a specialist and gained all the knowledge baggage I have now. Here I worked with the biggest and most important – for me, environmental projects both within Lithuania and abroad. I hope we will grow together for a long time with a great team!
Public Health Expert in DGE Lithuania;
M.Sc. in Public Health
At the beginning of my career since 2000, I have been interested in occupational medicine and occupational pathology. For these 5 years I have been evaluating the impact of work environment factors on workers’ health, participating in a team of experts in the process of research and diagnosis of occupational diseases.
For the last 15 years, my main field of interest is environmental medicine, since then I have been conducting public health impact assessments, participating in EIAs, environmental audits, designation of sanitary protection zones, and other assessments in the fields of agriculture, energy and manufacturing.
Since 2015, working at DGE, I have been able to realize my knowledge and experience. In my daily work, I am dealing with the assessment of air pollution, noise and odours in the environment in order to determine the compliance of these environmental factors with the requirements of legal acts and the potential impact on health – both the population and workers. In a team with environmental specialists who model these environmental factors, I am looking for opportunities to reduce the negative impact on the environment and public health.
Project Manager in DGE Finland;
Masters Degree in Linguistics
With my humanitarian and pedagogical background, I’m the odd one out inside the group, but I’m also a strong believer in learning-by-doing. My pedagogical approach also allows me to be able to be open to new knowledge and information.
I’ve been interested in environmental topics for the past 12 years and have worked with different environmental NGOs in Finland. My biggest interest throughout the years has been the relationship of technology and energy systems to societal progresses. I’ve gotten to know many people working in the field of energy, agriculture and biotechnology through my involvement in these topics. In addition, I studied environmental science as a minor and did my Masters thesis on environmental discourse.
Before entering DGE Group my main profession was in education where I organized energy-related kids together with science teachers. I believe a systems-based approach is necessary to solve complex societal and environmental problems and this is what I’ve strived to teach myself and my students.
I entered DGE Group in 2022 because I wanted to get hands on experience from topics I was already interested in. I’m grateful for the trust I received and the openness of my coworkers. During my time in DGE Group, I’ve worked on marketing and sales, co-authored reports and co-operated with customers and partners from a wide range of industries.